![]() Solution Hints Booklet Step Animation Demo
![]() Rubik's Solution Hints Booklet Step Animation
If nothing happens when you press the key, click on the applet background to get its attention, then
try the key again.
You can enter a move in DBLFUR notation:
- Each turn is [DBLFUR]['-i"2] - Example 1: FUB2U-F' (5 turns) - Example 2: D,L,R",D',L' (5 turns) - [DBLFUR]::Down,Back,Left,Front,Up,Right face. - By itself, each means clockwise 90° turn. - ' or - or i means anticlockwise 90° turn. - " or 2 means 180° turn.
You can enter a move in BFR (GANPuzzle) notation:
- Each turn is [BFR][slice#][#slice][<,>,>>] - Example 1: F1>BN<FN>>BN>F1< (5 turns) - Example 2: FM>>,B22>,RM<,F*> (4 turns) - [BFR]::B (bottom), F (front), R (right) slice. - [slice#]::1,2,N(last),M (middle slices),*(all slices) - [#slice]::none,2,3,.. - [<,>,>>]::left 90°,right 90°,180° turn
Send a quick email regarding this step if you have a comment or question.
If you are not clear about this step or wish to know why, we encourage you to seek clarification via instant email, anonymously if you so wished.
Every cube state in the step by step dialog has a link that leads you to
a wiki webpage that provide details on that state, including discussions and questions from
other users.
You can also contribute your insights or ask or discuss a point pertaining to this state. There shall be no shortage of detail or discussion on every cube state, thanks to the power of wiki. Internet connection is required to access this VirtualCubeWiki which is the collection of all these wiki pages, one for each cube state.
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You can slow the animation speed to observe the moves or you can speed it up.
You can even change the speed in the middle of a animation.
You can save/restore a rubik's cube state to/from a file in your computer or memory in the sandBox panel
(in [Option]-tab).
Here is a valuable learning tip:
1. Scramble a cube then save it to file. 2. Restore the saved scrambled cube from file. 3. Study the step-by-step solution. 4. Repeat step 2 as often as you wish. This allows you to be familiar with the same moves over and over again.
Key-1 to Key-3 are pre-programmed to execute Trick1 to Trick3.
You can assign key-6,key-7 and key-8 to execute your favourite moves: 1. Click [Option]-tab in the cube applet.
By editing a simple text-file in your computer, you can change your start up options such as:
1. playAudio = true, playAudioIntro = false
Look for a text file in your installed folder with extension ".cfg".
Other benefits such as
† No need for internet connection.
You can record your favourite move and assign it to key-6, key-7 or key-8.
Play back your move by pressing key-6, key-7 or key-8. This is a great feature when you use a move over and over again to solve the puzzle.
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Solution Hints Booklet Step Animation Copyright © 2013 GANPuzzle.com. All Rights Reserved. |
This is the booklet that comes with the Rubik's Cube Puzzle retail packaging and can be downloaded at one time from www.rubiks.com but no longer. Fortunately, the software has included the electronic version of this booklet. Please email support@ganpuzzle.com.
You will learn Sequences: Edge Mover #1,#2, Two Corner Swap, Three Corner Shuffle, Edge Flipper Left and Edge Flipper Right. The detailed step by step animation () will show you how you can apply those to solve the Cube completely.
Solving the Rubik's Cube is difficult so take your time to follow through each step from the booklet:
You can choose any color as the top color, but it is better to look for the face that is already done (i.e. all 9 facelets have same color) or has the cross pattern. Otherwise you risk undoing what is already in place.
In the step by step animation, the software will blindly follow the booklet by rotating the Cube so that TOPfaceCenter is YELLOW. Of course, if YELLOW is already on TOP, we do nothing (i.e. skip Step1).
Click to see the Step1 animation. After you've seen the animation, click [Stop] then proceed to next step.
We want 4 TOPedges and TOPfaceCenter have the same top YELLOW color and each edge has side color matching the side face.
A good strategy is to always fix up the RIGHT-TOP-edge. A good edge at RIGHT-TOP-edge location means its TOP and RIGHT colors matches the colors of TOPfaceCenter and RIGHTfaceCenter.
In example2, we locate target Edge with TOP/RIGHT colors and move it to RIGHT-BOTTOM-edge location then to RIGHT-TOP-edge location:
When RIGHT-TOP-edge is fixed, rotate the cube left. We are done with this step when all 4 top edges are fixed.
We will fix up the 4 TOPCorners.
Although not mentioned in the booklet, we choose to always fix up RIGHT-TOP-FRONT location. When it is done, we rotate the Rubik's Cube left or right until a bad corner is at RIGHT-TOP-FRONT.
This step is easy. Either we do nothing because RIGHT-TOP-FRONT is already a bad corner or we rotate Cube until a bad corner is at RIGHT-TOP-FRONT.
First locate target corner that belongs in that location and move it directly below target location. Then send it home. NB: The diagram in booklet shows a diffirent target location at RIGHT-TOP-BACK.
Example of target corner in the bottom layer:
Example of target corner in the top layer. We can move it to bottom with top-color face facing DOWN (move1D) or RIGHT (move1R).
Learn more from step by step animation .
There is nothing to do in this step so we can proceed to Step6.
The moves are hard to remember and not easy to apply, so pay attention.
Click to observe that right-front facelet was moved from right-bottom facelet.
Click to see that right-front facelet was moved from bottom-front facelet.
To fix up right-front facelet we need to premove the target Edge to RIGHT-BOTTOM-edge location before doing Edge Mover #1.
Learn more from step by step animation .
The booklet helps with sequence. Observe that 2 bottom front corners have swapped locations, 1 back corner untouched, 1 back corner has flipped colors.
We often need to pre-move the corners to suit Two Corner Swap before doing the swap.
Learn more from step by step animation .
The booklet helps with sequence: corners remain at same locations, left-front untouched, but 3 others have their colors flipped. Right front corner's right face is flipped to front: right front bottom right.
So you always need to ensure that the good corner is situated at left front.
Sometimes you'd need to do ThreeCornerShuffle twice to flip bottom color to front after move1.
Learn more from step by step animation .
moves 3 edges left in cyclic manner: right left back right.
: right back left right.
Note that in FlipperLeft, right facelet is send to left (not bottom). To send to left bottom location we need a complicated premove to flip LEFT-BOTTOM-edge or do EdgeFlipperRight twice.
Sometimes you'd need to handle 2 bad edges.
Learn more from step by step animation .
You can click on a
link to read more or discuss on a step.
Here is a learning Tip. Scramble cube and save to file.
To enter "Solve step by step" mode, click [START].
To exit "Solve step by step" mode, click [STOP].
Enter or paste a move to see the animation.
e.g. D2BL2,FURU'R'F'
Solution Hints Booklet (Select to animate) :
Mastering Rubik's Cube by Don Taylor (Select to animate) :
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Rubik's Cube Tutor for Absolute Beginner: Trains you how to use the 3 Tricks in all situations. | |||
VirtualCube 3x3x3: Learn to solve Rubik's Cube with 3 Simple Tricks. A vast improvement over the Solution Hints Booklet. |